Бог не умер

Бог не умер

Те, кто утверждает, что Бога не существует, говорят лишь о том, что они не чувствуют Его в себе (через свою совесть), не слышат Его голос в Священных писаниях, не видят Его в окружающих людях и в природе. "Бог не умер" утверждает студент второго курса в одноименном фильме.



В основу названия фильма легла песня «God`s Not Dead» известной американской христианской группы «Newsboys».



Newsboys - God's Not Dead

Let love explode and bring the dead to life.
A love song bold to see a revolution
Some how

Let love explode and bring the dead to life.
A love song bold to bring a revolution
Some how

Now I'm lost in your freedom
And this world I'll overcome

My gods not dead he's surely alive
He's living on the inside roaring like a lion

Our gods not dead he's surely alive
He's living on the inside roaring like a lion
He's roaring he's roaring he's roaring like a lion

Let hope arise and make the darkness hide
When faith is dead I need a resurrection
Some how
Now I'm lost in your freedom
And this world I'll overcome

My gods not dead he is surely alive
He is living on the inside roaring like a lion
Our gods not dead he is surely alive
He's living on the inside roaring like a lion

He's roaring he is roaring he's roaring like a lion
He's roaring he is roaring he's roaring like a lion

let heaven roar
And fire fall
Come shake the ground
With the sound
Of revival

let heaven roar
And fire fall
Come shake the ground
With the sound
Of revival

Let heaven roar
And fire fall
Come shake the ground
With the sound
Of revival

My gods not dead he's surely alive
He's living on the inside roaring like a lion

My gods not dead he's surely alive
He's living on the inside roaring like a lion
Our god not dead he's surly alive
He's roaring he's roaring he's roaring like a lion
Our Gods not dead he's surly alive
He's roaring he's roaring he's roaring like a lion
He's roaring like a lion

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